I was still rolling on the bed debating if I should get up or not. All the things I scheduled for that day popped up in my mind – I had a busy day ahead. I switched on my cell phone and went through the twitter stream and rss feed. My eyes refused to open, so I put my cell aside and pulled back the blanket. The phone rang as soon as I closed my eyes. It was Sundeep, “Ajay passed away” he said.
Two days back..
I was rushing through the report. I had to get it out as soon as possible. I’d been postponing it for a week, and ’couldn’t push it any further – it had to go today. My IM blinked. My goodnes, it was Ajay: “Hey dude, how have you been? ’long time man, what, has it been 5 years since we met? Wow! time flies, I was reminiscing about our graduation days, thought of you, and pinged.. Hope you are doing good, here’s my number, call me.” I replied, “Hello.. look who is pinging, haha, nice to hear from you big man, how are you? I’m good thanks, yea, I’m busy, will call you on the weekend, we need to catch up.”
Sundeep was crying, he was more close to Ajay than me. I couldn’t console him. I barely had words myself. Everything seemed as if a flash bang grenade went off in front of me – very disorienting.
I did not even call him.. Now, I can’t..
Why I write this? Because our time is limited. ’Cause we never know when death comes calling.. when our time’s up. Want to hug your kids? now is the time. Want to call your parents? now is the time. Want to confess love? now is the time. Want to meet a friend? now is the time. Want to work on your dream? now is the time.
you’re scaring me in a way…. but then, gotto admit that you’re speaking the truth. 🙁