Conventional wisdom dictates that if are not fortunate enough to find what we love, then we should love what we have/find. Somehow, this was never convincing to me. Interestingly, I found this below article in wikipedia, which confirms that you either love something or you dont. There’s no trying to find pleasure in things you dont like nor can you go out and say I’ll find happiness and pleasure in whatever you are doing.. Happiness/pleasure are a byproduct when you do somehting you love:
“Suppose John likes to collect stamps. According to most models of behavior, including not only utilitarianism, but most economic, psychological and social conceptions of behavior, it is believed that John likes collecting stamps because he gets pleasure from collecting stamps. Stamp collecting is an avenue towards acquiring pleasure. However, if you tell John this, he will likely disagree. He does get pleasure from collecting stamps, but this is not the process that explains why he collects stamps. It is not as though he says, “I must collect stamps so I can obtain pleasure”. Collecting stamps is not just a means toward pleasure. He just likes collecting stamps.
This paradox is often spun around backwards, to illustrate that pleasure and happiness cannot be reverse-engineered. If for example you heard that collecting stamps was very pleasurable, and began a stamp collection as a means towards this happiness, it would inevitably be in vain. To achieve happiness, you must not seek happiness directly, you must strangely motivate yourself towards things unrelated to happiness, like the collection of stamps.
The hedonistic paradox would probably mean that if one sets the goal to please oneself too highly then the mechanism would in fact jam itself. “
So, go out and find something you love..
Sometime for my own good, I think I'll just have to stay calm. Even if I really don't want to. In fact I guess I really don't. It is so much easier just to go home. I could get a little job and make everyone happy on a day to day type basis and get a little money and live by myself in my own space … but I don't think that's what I really want to do. I've always felt that, to be dedicated to life, you have to be really passionate, and so I never really think anything is just ok, I either love something or I just hate it forever…."Pleasure in doing what you love will make your life perfect", But Krishna what if don't received it back!!!!!!!
You said, you love something and get committed.. when you love something.. u dont expect any return. In the above example, john just loved collecting stamps, he did not expect that he would get pleasure if he collected stamps.. if he did.. probably he wouldnt have loved his chore. That is the paradox. Put your focus on the work and not on its fruits. That is, just love something because you love loving it… not because it will give you something in return.. derive pleasure from loving it.. whatever you get is an added gift to you.. I know, its easier said than done, but unfortunatly, thats the only way to love.. to live