Everybody in life has atleast one ‘walk to remember’, and wishes/prays it would not end.. but life is cruel.. it ends everything.. you look for something to justify the pain.. but you find nothing.. all you can hear from everyone is one word: “Move on”. How to move on? by forgetting the memories? by pretending as if that part of life never existed? No.. you cant keep forgetting your life like that.. what will be your life if all you have are episodes which you keep forgetting to keep moving on? Any solutions folks?? All I could think was, ‘love only those who would not leave you’ or best.. stop loving.. or is it the ideal answer – love even though you get hurt, thats the only way to live…, as with all ideal stuff, its difficult to do it.
Appreciate your comments…
hahahha…well i have one comment to make" Don't swim in Assumptions"(correct, i ve stealed it from the great"&%^&")-there is one who reads your posts:)..
Can you please expand on your comment??