Santosh came the other day… we were discussing how our work lives were… he suddenly asked… is this it? is this life? get up…. go to work.. come home… and the next day the schedule repeats… thats it? is this what we looked forward for when we were in college? is this life? (mind you santosh loved his job….) I could only acknowledge how he felt and told him that we were travelling in the same boat… I didnt know the answer to his question… do you?
Hi Insider……….For few questions, you can never ever find an answer, i was in the same boat, infact i was tired of the same routine life,i ve tried too hard to break away from the bill. All it has resulted in is more "Frustration".So one day, i calculated hwhat are the things, which i appreciate, or have liking in my life, or shud i say in my boatDefinetly i will say the sunshine, becos i got to love it,as it is evaded by the end of the day…it will be very boring if i say such things, are you by the way already asleep….permit me to give my lives example,i'm people's person, and when i joined my new job,,,i seriously hated the job i do, the people i was with…everything, once i felt to quit the job and run away,,,,,but then….i have enhanced my love for few thinng(People)…because which atleast i can say that my life at my workplace, or with my work is at Peacebetter at peace rather than be at loggerheadsthe moral I BELIEVE is…….try to find the utility factor in the best of rubbish things, i'm sure you will find soemthing to make tou move onLike for you, i'm sure the music(comeone, u can easily hear,download and can be in compnay of music for all 8 hrs, will u ge tsuch chance i fu r in ohter job, or atleast at ur home-i bet there vl be disturbances here n there)….nice flirtand morover good "timepass" friends…So chillax, till u get your island to anchor ur boat.