Does distance affect relationships? A question asked by many and the answer ranges from peotical to dramatical to realistic…. I feel it does…. I met my two best friends after a log time yesterday…. I confess that there was emotion missing…. I don’t say completely…. but, the intensity was lost…. I couldn’t tell that to them when they sent messages that they were glad we met but it would have been better if we spent more time… what if I was the only one who felt like that and they still had the intensity? Simple things can get quite complicated sometimes right? Personally I feel we could get back to the same level of intensity if we spend more time together… a person’s presence is very important for the relationship to blossom and sustain…. All those who think distance does not matter… kindly be honest to yourself…
Update (24/7/11): True distance might affect the relationship. But, if that particular relationship is important to you, then you should work to keep it alive. I’ve now experienced that relationships can endure, exist and thrive even in the absence of the person. Very glad to realize that.
hey Insider……..i always had an answer or comment on your thoughts, irrespective whether they were logical, theoritical…….atlast you have said something, for which i myslef is troubled, and seeking an answer……But everytime i searched hard to find a solution, it gave a grief, which i couldnt withstand………somtimes, there is this strange thought which comes to my inituition saying….People move on, their prioroties changes, you got to move on too…why r u still wandering… .and i always question back……they said r's was the best relation, so selfless, true, emotional……if a tide of time can change everyting which mattered to us, was it was a genuine true relation, i wasnt faking, they werent faking, then who is it faking,,,,y do we move from someone who means a lot……..i never want to, i never will…….probably i will wander like wayward soul and i will ask the Man who has asked to to LOVE….i will definelty ask if i vl ever get a chance to see my GOD…….
They say "life goes on"… that's the only reply we'll ever get from anybody…. life changes… and so do people…. so do their priorities… that's the beauty and that's the saddest parts of relationships…. Brace your heart my friend… take life in your stride…. the only reply I can give…. easier said than done… but sadly… that's the only thing that can be done….
This is very true and very unavoidable….. I am afraid ra…Sad actually for the fact……Life changes, want to welcome the change but the word HOW is a very difficult term….I have no word in this word Distance except silence, deep silence in heart……with heavy heart i say and i knw one day this will definetly happens to everybody…….that's the beauty and that's the saddest parts of relationships………
reading your blog is like a nostalgic trip to the past for me ra….I still remember few of such discussions we had… 🙂
missing those wonderful days ra…!!!