Sometimes surprisingly it is in the English text that we find really good stories (or as we used to call them, texts) to read, some which stay with us for many years after school. Few such pieces inculcated my love for the language. One of the heart warming lessons I still recollect everyday particularly on this day is ‘A Christmas Morning’ by Pearl S. Buck, an abridged version of the same writer’s ‘Christmas Day in the morning’ (as I would later find out).
To summarize, it tells us the story of an old man reminiscing about a Christmas when he was a kid, and the gift he gave his father that day. Coming from a poor family with not much to indulge in, the family give eachother the same gifts every year or sometimes none. One chore the father and son share everyday is milking the cows. One day the son overhears his father telling his mother how much he hates to wake him everyday in the morning. So, the son decides to surprise his father by getting up earlier than his father on Christmas morning and milks the cows. The father who walks into the barn is very surprised and touched by the gesture. My summary does not do justice to the story, you deserve to read it on your own. But, the story personified Christmas spirit for me.
Last week I saw an ad released by Apple called ‘The Song’, a very heart warming advertisement which reminded me of the ‘The Christmas Morning’. Apple has always focused their advertisements more on how we could use their products than on the features they offer. I love the way they try to show how technology can enhance our lives. Take a look at the video below & merry Christmas.
wow…so nice touching video………Merry christmas!!!!!