There’s no denying that we’ll use paper less and see most of the data in terms of ‘files’ in the digital realm. But, how do we store these files? Can we find them easily when needed? What is the best way to save them? Best place to save them? Recently I had to find my most updated resume but was not able to locate it because I had multiple resumes in multiple folders (one in documents folder, few in resumes folder). It resulted in unnecessary tension. So, I felt a need to name and file the data properly, easy enough to come up in searches. Some rules I’ve felt will be useful for anyone who’s faced the similar problem.
Best of both the worlds
Advices related to time management are dime a dozen. Visit a book store or google for productivity/time management and whoa! we have a million resources. But, few theories make a lot of sense, especially for our times. ‘Getting things done’ and ‘First things first’ are two such theories (propounded by David Allen and Stephen Covey respectively) for me. At first reading, these concepts seem to be at odds with each others, but as you dig in we can see a lot of value. I personally feel by mixing these two concepts I could unlock great value.
John Galt: Steve Jobs’ Lost Interview
My Online Strategy
Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo; Flickr, Picassa, Droplr; YouTube, Daily Motion, Vimeo; Dropbox, Google Drive, Skydrive, Amazon Cloud Drive, iCloud; Facebook, Twitter, Google +, LinkedIn, App.Net, Instagram, Pinterest, Orkut; Whatsapp, Hangouts, Messengers, iMessages; WordPress, Tumblr, Typepad, Blogger – some of the services we use daily on the net. The internet is connected to our life in ways we couldn’t have imagined ten years ago. But, the nature of internet is changing from an ‘accessing information’ model to a ‘content creation’ & ‘content sharing’ model. I doubt even Steve Jobs imagined that his introduction of the iPhone would usher-in the post PC era. We are no more tethered to the desk, glowing rectangles in our hands – always connected to the internet – have pushed us into a ‘mobile computing’ era. If launching the iPhone & App Store was the first move towards mobile computing, the concept of ‘Cloud’ services is making the transition seamless. The future belongs to the cloud (Google Chromebook anyone?), and as more and more life goes digital, it has become extremely important to know how to manage our data across these various clouds, services and applications.
GTD – Tips to Do
The last step in the ‘Getting Things Done’ process is the execution of the tasks. After everything’s been captured, processed, organized, reviewed, how is it decided which task is to be performed first?