The time will come
when, with elation,
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror,
and each will smile at the other’s welcome,
Dealing with Depression
What do you do when you are afraid all the time? When you feel the world out there is waiting to get you? When you feel, people are rooting for your failure? When you have to cope up with failed dreams, dreams that laugh at your face, taunting you? When the person in you is constantly berating you? What do you do when all you can do is stand by and watch your confidence plummet and anxiety & stress increase? What do you do when you have to handle all this internally and yet show up to work with a smile on your face, ’cause you have continue to make a living? when you have to laugh with your family in order not to worry them?
If you want security, you’d have to forgo passion.
If you want passion, you’d have to forgo security.
If you want to tuck your child-in at night, read stories to them while sleeping, you’d have to let go working late nights at work.
If you want career development which entails working a lot, you’d have to forgo personal time.
If you want to buy the latest gadget, you’ll have nothing in your savings.
If you want savings, you won’t have the latest gadget.
If you are ambitious, always looking at the next mountain to scale, you’ll never be content.
If you are content, you’ll never look at the next mountain to climb.
Life is all about trade offs. You cannot have it all and no matter what we choose there’ll be regrets. And, the path we choose determines how our life ultimately turns out to be.
Way Forward
This year hasn’t been great to me. In fact, I think the downward spiral started a little close to last year. Without getting into details let’s just say, things did not at all work out as I wanted them to, either physically or emotionally, personally or professionally. I fell sick time and again, I was always in emotional doldrums with some or the other concern on my mind. This year, has been a year of learning, a year of recognising limitations, a year of acceptance of fate, a year of being humbled. Sometimes, the feeling of failure was so crushing that life ran on autopilot for days. I did not want answers. Every situation taught me something new. I wanted peace. I just wanted the noise in my head to stop. This lead me to some interesting places.
Dies Slowly
He who does not travel,
who does not read,
who does not listen to music,
who does not find grace in himself,
dies slowly.