When I was in school, we had a very strict teacher. He used to come for the subject I hated the most – maths. One day, while handing down the answer sheets of a slip test, he stopped at my friends’ desk and started chastising him for the low marks he got. My friend never reacted, not sure if it was out of respect and fear or just disregard, but, my teacher got irritated and called him a ‘thick-skinned buffalo’. I felt sorry for my friend, but, we all laughed. And, that word stuck with me for ever. I wished I could have a thick skin, not just to take the criticism of my teacher but also of the world.
Enough to Say
One of the advices you get from ‘pro’ bloggers when you are about to start a new blog is to be on every social network conceivable and engage the crowds on those platforms. But, being on every platform is not just limited to bloggers. I personally know many folks who are on every social network I know, tweeting 4 to 6 times a day, posting pictures on Facebook & Instagram, pinning posts in Pinterest and god only knows what Google+ is now, but have presence there too. I have my personal account/blog page on Facebook, blog accounts on Twitter & Google+ and ’use Buffer to cross post. But, whenever I cross post, I feel guilty. Questions swarm my mind, Am I adding value? Am I spreading myself too thin? Am I repeating myself? Do I need to say this? Or am I doing this only to play to the gallery? Do I have enough, valuable, unique things to say/do in every social network? And, recently a funny thing happened. I joined Instagram. Why?
Happiness is..
A few days back I found a book at my local book shop – ‘Happiness is..’, filled with beautiful illustrations and 2-3 lines describing what makes you smile. So, I sat down and made a list of few things I’m happy about in my life.
Broke Person’s Another guide to Money Management
A year back I wrote a post on money management. Now, one year hence I wanted to jot down what new I learnt in the last year for life is short to learn everything on our own and money scarcer still to spend carelessly. Here’s what this year taught me:
Regaining Focus
Over the last one month I did not accomplish anything, other than binge reading comics and clearing my Instapaper queue, I did not write, ’did not complete reading books, ’did not work on the many pending tasks Omnifocus so kindly reminds me everyday. Why? ’Cause with too many hobbies to concentrate on, too many projects to work on, too much politics to be aware of and too many responsibilities to handle, I turned numb from inaction.
What should I’ve done? Manage time or narrow down focus?