Every saturday evening I take my bike, travel 18 kilometers in traffic and dust to come to City Centre mall. I park my vehicle in the underground parking, say hi to the security who smile at me, take the over crowded lift to the second floor and walk into ‘Coffee day’. Over the last 4 years this has been my weekly routine. The are quite a number of coffee shops on my way but, this place holds a special place in my heart. This is the one coffee shop in Hyderabad which exists as a part of a bookstore (Crossword). Book shops have long been my second home, I love to walk in, pick some books from the racks, walk into the coffee shop order a coffee and sit down to enjoy a book.
A lot can happen over coffee – I carry a notebook with me, just in case the muse comes calling; I analyze my life to come up with solutions to my most tiring problems or do a little GTD. Sometimes, I have my friend(s) come over to the coffee shop. Discussions range from comics to classics, philosophy to psychology, and on life in general – with me speaking, and my friend being the unfortunate listener. Nothing like having a friend in whose company you can think out loud, without fear of being judged, and who offer an occasional challenge forcing us to rethink our absolutes. Sometimes we just sit and observe the crowds – people watching. But, it is just the joy of reminiscing to a friend over a coffee, that I look forward to the most.
Ocassionally my eyes meet a stranger’s, sparking an interest, a chance to something more – a smile perhaps, or a conversation. But these moments are few and of no use because I rarely take a step forward. I remember one time when there was a beautiful waitress in the coffee shop who smiled at me, I could only muster enough courage to find her name (eavesdropped on her collegaue who was calling out to her rather loudly). If I was in my early 20s, and still wet behind my ears, probably I would’ve asked her out to a coffee. But, by the time I reached my late 20s (today), time had changed me – I was too matured to fall in love. Love was just a ‘part’ of the equation. There were other variables to consider. She simply did not fit-in in my grand scheme of things. Perhaps she was not the one I was looking for? I let her go. Now, I wonder, was I fool then? or a fool now? Today all I’m left with is a memory – a ‘what if’? Ah! bitter sweet life – just like coffee.
Strange how a coffee shop can be a microcosm of life. Every week I look forward to these 2 hours, to find myself and to lose myself, to stare at myself and to stare at others, to be a bystander and to be a participant, to be alone and to be a part of the crowd.
Words cannot express how important a good coffee shop is to enrich one’s life. My wife and I use Starbucks as a way to get away from the kids and have some intelligent conversation.
Thanks for reading the post. Nothing like a coffee house to get some thinking space..
Nice one. I want to share my memories at Coffee Day: Some people do things on their own. They take the initiative on their own. When talking about me,iam not the guy who takes this step. I wanted to do many things in life but as I know I can’t take the first step I always need some companian to guide me. The same happened 13 years ago. He is still doing It. We get along well not at all judging each other. For me happiness means being simple, having good conversation, a nice hot coffee without actually speaking to eachother. I want it to continue forever.
Thanks Sandeep.. some of the best conversations are the ones with no much talking..