I get exhausted, exhausted living. Funny right? yes, I do get exhausted, exhauted living upto expectations of people.. sometimes you (include me also) live to prove that you are not a loser, sometimes you live to “be in the game”, sometimes you live because you have no other option.. I wonder when do we live for ourselves?? Whenever I come to this phase (which happens every now and then), I am posed with one eternal question, “who the hell am I??” And, fortunately or unfortunately, I can’t answer that, so I end up feeling and knowing I dont know myself. So, I/we conveniently loose ourselves in the rat race forgetting the pain. (A good way actually, how many of us do actually have the guts to face ourselves?? – Its funny to see the extent to which people can go, to just not remain alone with themselves)
But, as I said, when I get exhausted, I crave for solitude.. moments of silence.. and nowadays, I guess getting these has become a herculean task. I am a great admirer of Thoreau, and his concept of simplicity, at one given point of life I even contemplated giving up everything and living in woods, with the “bare neccessities”… but do you know, what’s the irony now? “Simplicity” has become very costly… unaffordable… First of all, you have the societal stigma against simplicity (though everybody preaches it)… what is the stigma?? “Definition of Success”….
What is success?? Dont give me the societal definition of it… what is success to you?? When you do come up with it.. when you know you are not searching what the world attaches to the concept of success… you automatically, simplify your life. But, how many of us have an idea of what success is to us? and how many families actually support eachother in finding that??
I know, what you are thinking! How do you think, they’ll support you when life itself has become a struggle for existence?? Agreed, fair question, but I have one in return, why are you struggling?? I mean.. if you are struggling so hard to live… there gotto be some reason why you are living right?? what is it? is it something you came up with, thinking it will give meaning to your existence or is it handed over to you by somebody else?? think… what do you want? what are you??
Most likely, you might forget this post soon after you read, or you might think for sometime and then forget it because ultimately who has the courage to examine the skeletons in the closet?? I understand… all we want is, to have is a simple peaceful life… why bother oursleves with these questions….
So, whenever I’m trying to run a race which is not mine… I get exhausted… and I want to relax… I crave for silence…. inner silence…. and I most likely will not find it….
Hi…….let me start firstby appreciating The flow of language in the blog.It is nice,very nice, but i can feel so much of anguish in your writings.i know the world is piled up with so much Selfish souls…but there is one exception…and that is YOU………i would not want to comment on your expressions of thought, but yes it is impressive to know, that in the days where 'self-indulgence' rules over the mind and soul of the human,there is a Man, who still worships,the principle of Simplicity.If you ask me, man has created his own terms, his set of rules, his own definitions for every Attribute a Character can have.But the truth(which my heart feels), all such Attirubutes are in tangible.You can simply feel it through Your Heart………and for me there is only one way to Lead a obsolutly Simple life……….SelfLess LOVE……it is Just to love madly,deeply, irrevocably………..i know it is not my business,,but can i say somethin……….dont be so Frustrated,U have people who love you,their warmth will always get you the eace you want, comfortability factor.And Lastly coming to Innerspace,i bet when you read my comment, or someone else, who has a say on your thought…You will obviously get that little"Solace', which says.."Hey Man…you have people, who can still hear you, and understand you".—which is more than enough for our Beuatiful heart, to fudge even Gallons of Hatred.You Take Care:)